Budget Print-Minuteman Press Valley Stream
budgetcntr@aol.com or budgetprint@vsminuteman.com
516-764-4222 or 516-378-2515
As of October 3, 2022, after serving our loyal customers from our Rockville Centre shop for over 43 years, I have the opportunity to partner with Minuteman Press of Valley Stream, who has been in business since 1981.
I will continue to provide you with the same level of personalized service as I expand my services and production capability. I will have state-of-the-art equipment and a full line of promotional products. A fantastic creative design team will be available to help with your projects. I hope that you will find these services will be beneficial to you and your organization.
Your records and artwork will be maintained and my contact information (email, phone number) will stay the same. I will be available for personal consultations and order pick up and drop off at your location or mine.
Thank you,
Mike Goldberg
Phone: 516 764-4222 - 516-378-2515